

Registration is always an exciting time for students as they begin to look ahead towards completing new degree requirements 和 moving forward academically. 在赌博娱乐平台网址大全, incoming First-Year students 和 new transfer students participate in a 夏天登记 process, while returning students participate in preregistration for the Fall 和 Spring semesters.


初夏时节, incoming First-Year students 和 new Transfer students are assigned a discipline-specific professional academic adviser who will help them get acclimated to their new campus, 审查大学的一般要求, 衔接课程要求, preliminary major/minor degree requirements, 课程公告, 还有课程表.

Our academic advising team will also teach students how to navigate 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s automated student system 和 our registration process, 探索课程选择, 和 build their fall course schedule in preparation for registration later in the summer. Registration days/times are determined by students’ advising cohorts.

最终,  academic advisers will work closely with their students to facilitate their seamless journey to graduation during their first few semesters at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 until they declare their  major (at which point students will be assigned to a 专业指导老师).


Current 和 continuing students register for their courses during preregistration during the preceding term (typically in early 11月 春季和早期 4月 夏季/秋季). 

获准注册, undeclared students are required to work closely with their academic advisers -- or, 已申报学生, their 教师 adviser of record -- to review course options 和 course prerequisites.




As you prepare for your advising appointments 和 for registration, consider the following:

  • Check TigerPAWS “Registration Status” to confirm your registration day/time 和 to check to see if you have any holds which may restrict you from registering for classes 
  • Run your degree audit through TigerPAWS to review your remaining graduation 和 university requirements (e.g. 120 hours, 30 of which must be Upper Division, 10 Discipline Breadth, etc…)
  • Review the list of approved Pathways courses for the term of registration
  • Prepare a list of possible courses of interests which would meet Pathways, tentative/declared Major/Minor requirements, 和/or Free Elective requirements to get to 120
  • Take into consideration co-requisite 和/or prerequisite sequencing requirements
  • Take into consideration Fall-only 和 Spring-only courses
  • Prepare whatever questions you may have for your adviser regarding your registration


准备好了? 收集你的认可!






Curricular requirements 和 optional elements for 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s undergraduate students.




Degree Requirements, academic policies, 和 academic majors 和 minors at 圣赌博平台网站大全.




Major-specific degree checklists provide insight into how many courses are required for graduation.






当你朝着 30学时

  • 结交朋友 探索校园
  • 参与各种各样的活动 组织及活动
  • 与你的同事紧密合作 学术顾问 to intentionally explore your academic interests
  • 与a连接 教师 or a staff member who cares about your success
  • Plan your first few semesters of courses: let curiosity be your guide!
  • 花充足的时间在课程作业上
  • 实践 求助行为 when you hit a roadblock or a perceived obstacle
  • 善用 学术支持 资源






当你朝着 60学时

  • 探索 academic areas of interest 和 possible 专业/未成年人 with your 学术顾问, 教师, peers, 和 maybe even alumni 
  • 申报专业 officially 和 begin to work with a 教师 advisor specific to your major!
  • 会见 职业服务 to discuss strategies to designing your life through academics
  • 参与 体验式和服务性学习 加强学习的机会
  • Take on personal challenges 和 seek to grow academically 和 individually: confront the uncomfortable spaces
  • 探索可能的 出国留学 即将到来的学期的机会


Student conducting science experiment in lab




当你朝着 90学时






当你朝着 120学时

  • 参加一个顶点或 研究经验 与你的专业相关
  • 会见 CELCS career advisors 和 implement the post-graduation plan you developed as a junior
  • Complete all remaining degree requirements 和 meet with your advisor for a pre-graduation audit
  • Focus on gaining valuable life skills through 资源 like financial literacy 和 LinkedIn学习
  • 应用 for graduation before each semesters’ deadline!  You may access the graduation application through TigerPAWS


Father 和 son (wearing cap 和 gown) holding their 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 degrees in front of tower